  • Giraffe Balloon Bouquet

Giraffe Balloon Bouquet


Oh so sweet! We ♥ this adorable baby giraffe balloon bouquet. Set of 10 standard sized 28cm balloons and 1 giant giraffe balloon. 


Set of 10 latex 28cm balloons in eucalyptus, white sand and chrome gold plus 1 giant giraffe foil balloon.


Sold uninflated.


Suitable for inflation with air or helium (we recommend helium for balloons to float). For helium inflation or tank hire it is recommended to visit a reputable outlet & not overfill. Helium float time approx 8-12 hours for latex balloons and 3-5 days for foil balloons. Float time is variable & can be altered by extreme temperatures.


Please note the colour of the balloons may vary slightly from the image displayed. Balloon colours change upon inflation.